

The 健康+咨询 office is dedicated to promoting the well-being of the whole student and the whole campus through the use of innovative, 有创意的, 无障碍和有效的服务和举措. 健康+咨询办公室提供个人咨询, 集团的支持, 卫生服务, 工作坊及各种以学生为本的活动,旨在建立及培育社区, 包容和学生的整体福祉.

There is no fee for health or counseling services conducted on campus and 保险 is not required. There may be additional fees for some lab tests, prescriptions, and any outside provider visits.


我们的三位硕士水平的临床医生帮助学生满足他们的情感, 心理, 心理健康需要各种各样的呈现问题. Our services contribute to a campus environment that facilitates the healthy growth and development of students.

Students are encouraged to schedule an initial evaluation appointment to determine the best approach for their presenting issues/concerns. Most students seeking services at the 健康+咨询 office will qualify for services, however, some students have needs that will be more appropriately addressed with off campus providers. 我们的目标是为我们的学生提供最好的照顾.

除了下面的考虑之外, we encourage students to have candid conversations with their families/support systems about expected or desired support/treatment needs prior to school attendance. If a student’s existing provider is in Michigan they may be able to continue treatment services via Telehealth. Students are encouraged to speak with current providers to see if this is a possibility so that effective, current, 治疗关系并不会因为进入大学而中断.


We offer solution focused brief therapy (8 sessions or less per semester) for issues including:

  • 轻度到中度的抑郁症 & anxiety
  • 适应大学生活,想家
  • 人际关系(家庭、朋友、亲密伴侣、室友)
  • 解决问题或决策
  • 悲伤和失落
  • 同一性的发展与自我的各个维度有关
  • 学习成绩或动机
  • 个人成长和发展,应对方式的识别
  • 轻度到中度的物质使用问题

Our licensed mental health clinicians will help a student determine if their needs can or cannot be met through 健康+咨询. 影响决策的不同因素可能很复杂. 最常, 外部推荐是基于学生长期的需要, 专门的或更密集的治疗. 如果转诊似乎是学生接受所需治疗的最佳方式, W+C的工作人员将尽最大努力将学生联系到合适的供应商.


  • 课程表与W+C的上课时间不相符的学生
  • 表现出严重缺乏动力或参与治疗的学生, 如不按时赴约或缺乏对建议的跟进
  • 已经从其他机构接受咨询服务的学生
  • Students in need of ongoing or intensive support to treat chronic, serious mental health conditions
  • 有问题的学生可能需要每周见一次以上的学生
  • 经历严重痛苦的学生, who need immediate inpatient or attentive outpatient care and/or are suffering a severe disruption in their ability to function
  • Students for whom a short term treatment model would be detrimental or inappropriate to diagnosis or clinical issues
  • 有多次自杀企图的学生, 严重自残或多次精神病住院
  • Students with significant or chronic disordered eating symptoms which require intensive outpatient or 住宅的治疗
  • Students with significant or chronic substance abuse which requires intensive outpatient treatment, 住宅的治疗, 排毒或住院
  • Students with active psychotic symptoms at risk for progressive deterioration of functioning and in need of intensive treatment for stabilization
  • 学生的需求超出了W+C工作人员的临床专业知识

We are unable to provide formal diagnosis for ADHD or Autism due to the extensive assessment and testing that is required. 我们鼓励您与您的初级保健提供者合作, 保险, 或者精神科医生进行评估和诊断. 

我们很乐意为你提供支持、应对技巧和资源. 你也应该利用我们的 残障设施.  

我们的临床治疗师不开处方或管理药物. However, 用于轻度到中度的抑郁和焦虑, we may make recommendations based on the needs of the student and arrange a treatment plan in partnership with our nurse practitioner.

The nurse practitioner may be able to refill certain medications prescribed with your primary care physician or psychiatrist. Please contact their main office for more information about transferring prescriptions; Campus Health Center, 313-577-5041. 


所有临床服务记录都是保密的, 与大学的学术和司法记录是分开的.

如果你或你认识的人遭受过性侵犯, 欢迎您以保密的方式与我们的顾问讨论您的情况. 临床咨询师和执业护士不是第九条规定的记者, however, 您可以与他们讨论报告选项.


Students can meet with a counselor for a brief solution focused session (20 min or less) or just to see what counseling is about. 无需预约, just walk into our 2nd floor office on Mon/Wed/Fri from 11 am – 12:30 pm during the school year. 在这些时间内也可以安排远程保健预约. 虽然此服务可能在等待正式约会期间使用, 已经定期去看临床医生的学生不应该使用这种方法.


All students are eligible for free online counseling and consultation with TELUS Health Student Support: http://myssp.app/us/home

  • 每天24小时,每周7天通过电话或聊天
  • 多语言支持:英语,西班牙语,法语,普通话 & 广东话(简体中文聊天)

你的信息是私人和机密的,所以没有人——包括你的家人, friends, 或者教授永远不会知道你用过这个程序,除非你选择告诉他们.

随时访问支持, 任何地方通过下载免费的应用程序, 今天在苹果应用商店或谷歌Play上搜索“我的SSP”.

  • 通过应用程序, you can call or chat with a Student Support Counselor 24/7 in real-time or schedule a telephone or video session.
  • 浏览我们的数字图书馆,提供有用的文章、视频和心理健康评估.
  • 通过LIFT享受无限次健身之旅, an app-based fitness program customized to your fitness level and goals that can be performed anywhere, 在任何时候.

You can also reach a counselor by calling directly 1-866-743-7732 (If calling from outside North America, 拨打001-416-380-6578)

请注意,MySSP于2023年8月1日成为TELUS健康学生支持. MySSP的所有服务和已建立的帐户将保持不变.


translifeline: 1-877-565-8860



学生可以在校园里获得免费的医疗预约. 诊所的工作人员是注册护士, 通过韦恩州立大学校园健康中心(CHC)签约. 该诊所可为小病小伤提供基本医疗服务, 必要时开药, 并在需要时转诊接受更专业的护理.
The health clinic is located in the Hub on the first floor of the Yamasaki and is open during the academic year on Mondays, 下午1点到5点, 和周四, 上午9点到下午1点. 需要预约: s.odoro.com/wayne

学生也可以使用他们的保险或自费预约CHC. CHC的开放时间为周一至周五上午9点至下午5点. 313-577-5041


健康保险政策是提供给所有注册学生通过Wellfleet学生. Their Cigna PPO plan covers preventative health visits and major medical needs as required by the Affordable Care Act. 额外的福利包括24/7护士热线,提供医疗问题和旅行援助.

国际学生在一学年自动加入这项政策. 国内学生, enrollment opens one month before each semester and payment is handled with the 保险 agency. 更多信息可在 student保险.com/client/996.

特殊入学期, 相关的报道, 和/或可选择的保险范围, 请咨询 www.医疗保健.gov 可以连接到符合条件的市场或医疗补助计划.


当你的基本需求得不到满足时,你很难保持健康. 我们的外联经理协助学生进行医疗保健导航, 比如找医生,了解保险范围. 免费月经用品, condoms, 以及一个以捐赠为基础的食品储藏室位于山崎大厦一楼的中心.

全年接受食品捐赠,请发邮件给我们了解更多信息 (电子邮件保护)


我们的团队举办各种活动以促进个人发展, 建立社区, 并为压力管理提供创造性的解决方案. Activities include weekly yoga classes, therapy dogs, topic specific workshops, and nature walks. 健康同伴教育者, 学生勤工俭学计划, support 健康 initiatives by implementing fun and inclusive programs and creating educational materials for students, 由学生.


山崎- 2楼
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm



Alissa Lusky,麻萨诸塞州., LLP

Emily VanWormer, MS, CHES


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